Looking for a unique floral arragement or hand-tied bouquet to express the love you share with the special someone in your life? Red roses aren’t your only way to catch the spirit of Valentine’s Day! For a thoughtful way to surprise your loved one and make her feel special, get inspired by our handpicked bouquets below!
Florists: 1. Haute Floral (photo by Lindsey Shea Photography) | 2. Carla Kayes Floral Design (photo by Bryan Miller Photography) | 3. Sanjski Šopek (photo by Nastja Kovacec) | 4. Michelle Lywood (photo by em the gem) | 5. Photo by Love & Light Photographs | 6. E-Flowers (photo by Callie Hobbs Photography) | 7. Cedarwood Weddings (photo by Amilia Photography) | 8. Photo by Laura Nelson | 9. Flower Talk (photo by Samuel Goh) | 10. A Bubbly Life | 11. Blue Bouquet (photo by Jordan Brittley) | 12. Jessica Keala