Social and emotional bonds often help a child’s development to accelerate. For dogs and their little humans, it’s often love at first sight. These friendships will continue to grow for years to come! Here are 20 dogs who love their little friends and protect them as their own! These adorable scenes are sure to bring a smile on your face!
Photographer: Amy Salessi Photography
Photographer: Alexei Maximenko
Photographers: Marisa Matluck Photography (left) / Caroline Tran (right)
Photographer: Emily Lucarz photography
Photographer: Gretchen Davis Photography
Photographer: Jake Olson Studios
Photographer: Brittany Woodall
Photographer: Cathy Murai Photography
Photographer: Morgan Henderson Photography
Photographer: Anna Sophie H.
Photographers: Capracotta Photo (left) / Coralily Photography (right)
Photographer: David Bouchat
Photographer: Erin Vey
Photographer: Emily Lucarz Photography
Photographer: Kadry Szczescia
Photographer: Erin Vey
Photographer: Julita Siemaite
Photographer: Ochoa Photography